The Effectiveness of Prenatal Yoga on Ballard Score and Newborn Babies Anthropometry

Olkamien Jesdika Longulo(1*), Anna Veronica Pont(2), Mardiani Mangun(3), R Rafika(4)
(1) Health Polytechnic of the Ministry of Health Palu Midwifery DIV Study Program
(2) Health Polytechnic of the Ministry of Health Palu Midwifery DIV Study Program
(3) Health Polytechnic of the Ministry of Health Palu Midwifery DIV Study Program
(4) Health Polytehnic of Ministry fo Health Makassar, Health Analyst DIII Study Program
(*) Corresponding Author
DOI : 10.30604/jika.v6iS1.765


A preliminary study at the Sriwaty Midwifery Independent Practice Clinic, the number of pregnant women in 2019 was 350-400 deliveries and 45 Premature / LBW.  Prenatal yoga have never been implemented in prenatal classes.Aim and Objectives To analyze the effectiveness of prenatal yoga in pregnant women in the I-III trimester on Ballard score and anthropometry of newborns.This study is a pre-experimental study with a randomized controlled trial two group design. The sample size in the study was 40 respondents: the intervention group was 20 respondents and the control group was 20. The sampling technique was based on the consecutive sample. The statistical test is the independent t-test to determine the difference in mean Ballard score, anthropometry of newborn babies in each group. Because the sample used was <50 respondents, the normality test used was Shapiro-Wilk and the comparative hypothesis test for the numeric variable distribution was not normal is  the Mann-Whitney non-parametric test.The prenatal yoga program is effective for Ballard Score, Body Length, Body Weight and Head Circumference of Newborns . It is hoped that it can become a program and be implemented in the prenatal class.

Abstrak: Studi pendahuluan di Klinik Praktik Mandiri Bidan  (PMB) Sriwaty, jumlah ibu hamil yang melahirkantahun 2019 sebanyak 350-400 dan 45 Prematur/BBLR. Prenatal yoga belum pernah dilakukandi kelas prenatal.TujuanMenganalisis efektivitas prenatal yoga pada ibu hamil trimester I-III terhadap skor Ballard dan antropometri bayi baru lahir.Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian pra-eksperimen dengan rancangan randomized controlled trialdua kelompok. Besar sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah 40 responden: kelompok intervensi 20 responden dan kelompok kontrol 20 responden. Teknik pengambilan sampel berdasarkan consecutive sample. Uji statistik adalah independent t-test untuk mengetahui perbedaan rerata skor Ballard, antropometri bayi baru lahir pada masing-masing kelompok. Sampel yang digunakan <50 responden sehinggauji normalitas yang digunakan adalah Shapiro-Wilk dan uji hipotesis komparatif untuk distribusi variabel numerik tidak normal adalah uji non parametrik Mann-Whitney. Program  prenatal  yoga efektif untuk Skor Ballard, Panjang Badan, Berat Badan dan Lingkar Kepala Bayi Baru Lahir. Diharapkan dapat menjadi program dan diimplementasikan di kelas prenatal.


Prenatal Yoga; Pregnant Women; Ballard score; Antropometry; Newborn baby; Yoga Prenatal; Ibu Hamil; Ballard score; Antropometri; Bayi baru lahir


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