Digital Media to Empower Adolescents in Smoking Prevention: A Literature Review
Smoking is one of the leading causes of global morbidity and mortality, it harms every organ of the body and reduces the overall health of smokers. One of the actions taken to prevent smoking in adolescents is through digital media or social media. Many benefits are offered from digital media to motivate adolescents to participate in smoking prevention efforts. This literature review aims to map the existing literature on digital media and social media for youth empowerment in smoking prevention. This study uses a literature review design that collects relevant data on the topic under study. In this literature review, databases will be searched to collect all potential relevant literature especially from 2017 to 2022. Databases including Pubmed, Scopus, Science Direct, and Google Scholar were combined with Manual Searching with the PRISMA approach. The terms or keywords used are Adolescents, Digital media, Smoking Prevention. The results of searching articles through databases, namely Pubmed totalling 100 articles, Scopus totalling 172 articles, Science Direct totalling 57 articles, Google Scholar totalling 28 articles and a total of all articles totalling 357 articles. Based on the results of Literature Review from 7 articles, it can be concluded that the influence of digital media on youth empowerment in smoking prevention is very influential, especially through digital media such as videos and advertisements to help adolescents understand about the dangers of smoking and reduce adolescents' interest in smoking.
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